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Astrology and the Archetypal Power

of Numbers, Part One



much to ponder


Astrology and Archetypal Power of Numbers, Part One is a metaphysical discussion of the role of numbers. Joe Landwehr gives readers much to ponder on the deeper values of these integers.... an excellent pick, highly recommended.


Midwest Book Review (Small Press Bookwatch) May 2011


absolutely fascinating


Astrology and the Archetypal Power of Numbers, Part One is the third book in this series presenting Astropoetics. Like the previous books, I found [this one absolutely fascinating.


Tami Brady, TCM Reviews, March 25, 2011


an epic poem


Astrology and the Archetypal Power of Numbers, Part One is to be read as an epic poem that moves into unknown realms below, above and beyond our usual daily lives.

This impressive work of scholarship is not an easy read, but then whoever said that deep knowledge is undemanding? The book must to be read and understood within a larger context of previous by the author within the field of spiritual psychology – also termed: Astropoetics  -- the poetics of Astrology.

The book is a personal, social and cultural journey through the systems of the Chakras and Astrology and the trail seeks to bridge, connect and integrate these ancient systems with that of the systems of Number. The author assumes the reader already possesses a basic knowledge of the Chakra System and Astrology, but numerous helpful references to these classical sources are made throughout.

As source for meditation and reflection, this work can help facilitate personal and compassionate reactions within one's daily life.  The book offers a new language for looking and living everyday in a deeper and more meaningful spiritual context within the cosmos. 

Certainly a more poetic lifestyle is affirmed through this deeper language of Soul that connects the movements of everyday energies (Chakras) with the movements of Light (Astrology) – through the universal principles embedded in the qualitative and natural values of Number.

This is not an atlas, map book nor guide book, rather it is a handbook or tool book to be taken along when going in search, research and into the mysteries of the Soul's journey. This tome is not for light bedside reading, but it is a volume to carry with you whenever you work with your own dream worlds.

The work offers a practical application of classical Jungian archetypal theory along with numerous references and sources from major  Jungians scholars including von Franz, Neumann, Eliade and more. 

Astrology and the Archetypal Power of Numbers puts one in a threshold environment and mental mood achieved in a long slow thermal mineral bath  - and this is the type of experience each reader will want to come back to, again and again.


Jonathan de Vierville, Professor of Humanities, History and Interdisciplinary Studies

at St. Philips College, San Antonio, TX


writing vital and urgent


For each one of us, our progress through life, through all the challenges we face in a lifetime, might be seen as an enactment of fate. We explore our embodied state until eventually we pass through the gateway of our death and back to spirit.  Along the way, the choices we make, the actions we take, in efforts to modify our fate, eventually crystallize.  The progression is sometimes a cyclical process, sometimes linear, sometimes non-linear.  The hope is that out of the chaos of all our efforts to become something, we discover that we already are everything.  That we are creative beings with the potential to live in harmony with all that constitutes the manifest world.  That spirit and matter are in the end inseparable. 

In this his latest book, Joe Landwehr is demonstrating how numbers can be seen as catalysts for consciousness on the soul's journey.  Individually or collectively, we make choices as we move through the various number 'Realms', and those choices have consequences.  Joe's belief is that by becoming more conscious of this, often unconscious, choosing, we have the potential to influence outcomes both for ourselves and perhaps even for our species' survival.  Into a background canvas of fascinating metaphysical and mythological associations, Joe weaves both threads of self and threads of society to show just how interconnected these are.  His empathy for human striving and his concern for the planet that is our home make his writing vital and urgent.


Sara Firman, editor & student at The Astropoetic School (goes to EXPERIENCE: The Astropoetic School).


exploring the far reaches of a fractal galaxy


How can you take a tour of the counting numbers, each in turn, and yet have the sense that you have been exploring the very nonlinear reaches of a fractal galaxy?  In his new book, Astrology and the Archetypal Power of Numbers, Part One, Landwehr has masterfully woven a diverse collection of mythological teachings, modern social commentary, and personal life lessons into a coherent perspective of human spirit and consciousness.

Landwehr's tremendous breadth of knowledge and experience with esoterica, philosophy, Jungian psychology, eastern, western and native American religion/mythology, and modern science and scientific culture endows this work with a palpably subjective objectivity. Or is it objective subjectivity?


Materials science has a branch of research called 'Nondestructive Evaluation' whose goal is to analyze a material without breaking it apart.  It is a very interdisciplinary 'holy-grail' study that science has come to only in the last half century. Landwehr writes about human existence from a place where nondestructive evaluation is not a holy-grail, but a fundamental tenet; his work is a priori (and unapologetically) subjective, and this beautiful book would not work otherwise.

Yes we begin at 0, and yes, we progress linearly through 9, but this as a framework for a very nonlinear, enlightening and sometimes breathtaking journey through the landscape of humanness.


Mark Arnold, Associate Professor of Mathematics, University of Arkansas - Fayetteville


you may find yourself at the bottom of an ocean floor of wisdom 


If you pick up Joe Landwehr's, Astrology and the Archetypal Power of Numbers, Part One expecting to skim through New Age fluff, you may soon find yourself at the bottom of an ocean floor of wisdom you hadn't bargained for.


But if you can stay with it, before you reach the surface for your first breath, you will have realized that the book's author is one of the few who has the intelligence and commitment to rescue the invaluable kerygmas of the Great Wisdom Traditions that modernist and post-modernist perspectives have all but have erased from contemporary minds.


He legitimizes the core ideas in astrology and numbers as archetypes by interfacing them with his profound knowledge of several schools of psychology, Eastern religions, mythology, awareness of environmental issues and courageous self-exploration.


Landwehr not only displays a wide range of speculation, he is a superb discursive writer.  His brilliant insights are clothed in beautiful phrases and  ideas such as 'the terma found manifest throughout this manifest creation,' 'resonance by affinity, wounding and contrast,' and 'paths of inequality and equality.'


This book is for the intellectual and the lay person whom technocratic knowledge and/or relativism does not resonate and  who desires a  fuller awareness.


Rockey Robbins, Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology at University of Oklahoma – Norman


heartily recommended


As astrologers, we make extensive use of numbers for everything from chart calculation to aspect theory. Yet very little has been written on the relationship between astrology and numbers, and much of what has been written is very sketchy. Joe Landwehr has set out to remedy this with what is the second book of his Astro-poetic Series and the first of a two-volume set that will ultimately allow you to use this system of Pythagorean number theory with your chart and add to the system of spiritual astro-psychology elucidated in Landwehr’s previous books.

.Heartily recommended to astromythologists, psychospiritual astrologers, and those interested in Pythagorean theory in relation to astrology.

Donna Van Toen, NCGR memberletter May-June 2011


one of those books designed to inspire – to breathe life into conversations


This is one of those books designed to inspire – to breathe life into conversations . . . (The author) takes the cosmos, the stars, the psyche, Pythagoras, linguisitics and the work of Arithmologists . . .  and gives us a book not to be read in one sitting or even as a bedside book, but one that you will want to have on your shelf for inspiration, for breaking through, for meditation, for illumination, and beautiful words . . . I recommend this book to anyone wishing to leap and/or relax into the sound of the heartbeat of the world.  It’s that good.


Claudia Johnson, ISAR Journal, April 2014


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