The Astropoetic School
of Soul Discovery
Where Your Life is the Classroom
Although my focus for the past 25 years has been on writing my books, and teaching students to use the language of astrology as a guide to self-reflection, I am available for private consultations with for those undergoing crisis and/or transition in their lives. I feel my job here is to give consent to what comes my way, and to make myself available to anyone in need.
I am not interested in doing general readings to satisfy curiosity about astrology or about life, and I do not predict the future. But I do believe that astrology can be helpful for approaching life's challenges with greater awareness, and I am willing to guide you in this use of it. If you have an issue that you would like to discuss with me, you can choose the appropriate option for your situation below.
My particular approach combines professional training in psychological counseling with 50 years of experience working with astrology. In addition, I have trained in medical astrology, and am available to help those suffering with chronic illness to better understand the psychosomatic components of their health issues, and the opportunities for soul growth that they may provide.
All of my readings reference the chakra system in my work (see my book Tracking the Soul With an Astrology of Consciousness for an in-depth explanation of this approach), as it allows for greater depth of nuance in approaching astrological symbolism. It also provides an opening to a more proactive and intentional embodiment of astrological energies, and goes far beyond merely descriptive astrology in empowering you to live your life as an opportunity for spiritual growth through the more intentional exercise of conscious choice.
With each consultation, I send my preparatory notes (usually 25-30 pages) in advance of your session - so you can ask further questions and go deeper during the session itself. I can work by phone or by Skype (Skype preferred). After the session I will send you a link to an MP3 recording.

Chakra Pattern Overview

A chakra pattern overview provides a detailed exploration of your birthchart as a template for spiritual growth, and is required of all first time clients. This overview will provide a larger context for addressing your current questions and life concerns, but will also map all major chakra patterns in your birthchart – describing each in some detail, and indicating which of these patterns are currently most active.
This option include a 25-30 page report that will be unique to you. This is not a computer-generated report, but rather one created from scratch, with no two reports alike. As is true of all consultations, it also includes an hour phone (or Skype) consultation with me, in which you can ask any questions, and we can explore your issues and concerns in more depth.
Chakra Pattern Updates (recommended once a year) are available for $250.
Chakra Pattern Exploration
For those of you who want to go beyond an overview, I offer a six-session conversation about a particular chakra pattern in your chart – one that reflects what most concerns you now, and most likely, one that is currently being most intensely activated by transit and progression. Within this context, activation means that the chakra pattern in question is an arena primed for healing, growth and actualization at a higher level of expression.
Over the course of six one-hour sessions, we will explore the history of the pattern – that is to say, how it has played out within your actual life experience since birth; identify themes native to the pattern; and consider strategies for working with the pattern more consciously and intentionally. With focused intention, courage, the willingness to make changes, and enlightened action in the face of insight and understanding, it is possible to use this process to make major life changes and transformative quantum leaps.

The cost of this six-session exploration will be $600. Additional 60-minute sessions are available for $100. A Chakra Pattern Overview is a prerequisite for anyone wishing to take advantage of the more in-depth Chakra Pattern Exploration.
Chakra Pattern Overview for Couples

Chakra pattern dynamics become even more interesting when we look at the ways in which the significant others in our life trigger our patterns and vice versa. I believe that beyond basic astrological synastry, we are drawn to those who can help us work on our core issues. As my teacher Yogi Bhajan once said, “Intimate relationship) is the highest and hardest form of yoga there is on the planet.”
This overview maps how that yoga creates challenges and opportunities for growth in both people. When combined with an awareness of current cycles that emphasize particular patterns at particular times for each partner, this option can help shed light on where a couple can best focus their mutual effort to grow together in deeper and more harmonious intimacy.
The cost of this option is $750. This includes a full chakra pattern overview for each partner, plus an extra indication in both overviews of where (in relation to which patterns) the other partner is likely to be a major catalyst to growth and change. In chakra patterns that are currently ripe for transformation (as indicated by transits and progressions), I will outline what is required of each partner for growth to occur and the work to be done in relationship at this time.
The Chakra Pattern Overview for Couples includes a 90-minute session, for asking questions and exploring any aspect of the overview in more depth. Additional 90-minute couples sessions are available for $150.
Number Pattern Overview

Chakra pattern analyses in general describe where a soul has chosen to work toward healing and integration in this life, as well as the more specific issues and challenges around which this work is likely to revolve. To the extent that we do his work, we evolve to the point where we are capable of making a significant creative contribution to the greater whole. This contribution goes beyond merely finding an appropriate venue through which you can actualize your creative potential, extending to a more transpersonal embodiment of divine intelligence in service to our collective evolution as a species and as a global culture. A number pattern overview points to this level of possibility for those who are ready for such a quantum leap in reason for being alive in a body on this planet at this time.
The cost of a Number Pattern Overview is $300, and a Chakra Pattern Overview is a prerequisite.
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