The Astropoetic School
of Soul Discovery
where your life is the classroom

The Astropoetic School does not train students to become astrologers. Our focus instead is to provide resources and learning opportunities for astrologers at all levels of knowledge and experience. Our approach to teaching astrology at any level revolves around the idea that the Delphi Oracle was right. Knowing yourself is the best point of entry to all mysteries worth exploring, astrological and otherwise.
I feel that self-knowledge is particularly important for professional astrologers, who read charts for others, as it can make the difference between unconscious projection and genuinely clear insight. Knowing yourself, and exploring your own core issues in some depth is also the basis for deepening the wisdom you have to offer your clients and the compassion with which you offer it.
To help practicing astrologers aim for this more evolved level of possibility with their work, I offer a yearlong apprenticeships with one 90-minute session per month. During each session, we can talk about your work with a specific client, explore the ways in which your own issues are triggered by your work with a specific client or other developments in your own life, or some as yet unexplored piece of the astrological puzzle that might shed additional light on your experiences, professional and/or personal. The actual content of our monthly sessions will be tailored to your specific needs.
Prerequisites for an apprenticeship will be a Chakra Pattern Overview, a Chakra Pattern Exploration and completion of the Basic Course. This last requirement can be waived, pending successful completion of the Advanced Placement Exam. Also recommended, but not required is completion of the Tracking the Soul Webinar Class.

If you have completed the above prerequisites, I already have your contact and birth information on file, and you can simply sign up for a yearlong apprenticeship by going here.
If are new to the Astropoetic School and wish to work toward an apprenticeship, you can begin the process by signing up for a Chakra Pattern Overview. After reading about the Overview, scroll down to the section entitled Order a Consultation here, and follow the instructions. Please note your interest in an apprenticeship in the box where it says, "Describe the issues you would like to focus on in this consultation."