Lesson Plan
The complete Basic Course at the Astropoetic School of Soul-Discovery includes 36 Lessons arranged in 6 modules of 6 lessons each.
The following outline is meant to give a general sense of the scope and depth of the course. Particulars may change as new insights are gained through an ongoing application of astro-logical and astropoetic principles to new situations, and as student feedback warrants. The Course is under constant revision and all students currently enrolled will receive the upgraded lessons free of charge.
Those with experience of astrology may be eligible to skip certain lessons and/or move on to a more advanced course by taking our Advanced Placement Exam.
Even those with previous experience of astrology, however, should know that much of what is taught in this course is unique to the astropoetic worldview, and will not be available elsewhere. Material that is especially astropoetic in nature or unique to this course is shown in this outline in red italic.
Module 1: The Houses
Lessons 1 - 6
Lesson 1
an overview of our astrological journey
the circle
the birthchart as a mirror
the horizon
southern emphasis
northern emphasis
the meridian
eastern emphasis
western emphasis
the singleton effect
applications of principles in real life
everything in constant motion
distribution of planets in relation to the axes of your chart
Lesson 2
the astro-logic of the quadrants
NE quadrant
SE quadrant
SW quadrant
NW quadrant
a correlation of angles with key points in the sun's daily motion through the sky
a correlation of quadrants with the cycle of the seasons
a correlation of quadrants with the cycle of life
evoking personal imagery for the quadrants
exploring patterns of distribution among the quadrants
distribution of planets among the quadrants of your chart
planets near the angles of your chart
Lesson 3
angular houses
1st house
4th house
7th house
10th house
succedent houses
2nd house
5th house
8th house
11th house
cadent houses
3rd house
6th house
9th house
12th house
planets in houses
angular ambivalence
the distribution of planets through angular, succedent, and cadent houses
an emphasis or lack of planets in angular houses
an emphasis or lack of planets in succedent houses
an emphasis or lack of planets in cadent houses
emphasis and lack combined
Astro-logic Homework
distribution of planets within the trifold division of houses of a quadrant in your chart
angular ambivalence in your chart
Astropoetic Homework
observation of life experience for astropoetic images that reflect the house position of your Sun
Lesson 4
the elements
the generic correlation between houses and elements
the elemental sequence
the sequence within each elemental grouping
fire houses
1st house
5th house
9th house
earth houses
2nd house
6th house
10th house
air houses
3rd house
7th house
11th house
water houses
4th house
8th house
12th house
the distribution of planets through fire, earth, air, and water houses
an emphasis or lack of planets in fire houses
an emphasis or lack of planets in earth houses
an emphasis or lack of planets in air houses
an emphasis or lack of planets in water houses
Astro-logic Homework
distribution of planets among your houses divided by elemental association
self-assessment by elemental grouping
Astropoetic Homework
observation of the ways in which elements manifest in your life experience
identifying attributes of the elements in the astropoetic image of your Sun (from Lesson 3)
Lesson 5
the relationship between the trifold division of the houses and their elemental correlations
the astropoetic nature of soul space
the sensory correlates of the elements
the sensory correlates of the elements as experienced through the houses
the emotional correlates of the elements
the emotional correlates of the elements as experienced through the houses
the psychological correlates of the elements
the psychological correlates of the elements as experienced through the houses
the metaphorical dimension of the elements
house cusps
using the ephemeris to find the house location of planets
using the house location of the Sun to track astropoetic correlates
Astropoetic Homework
noting sensory, emotional, psychological, and metaphorical correlates for the astropoetic image of your Sun
observing correlates to the distribution of your planets by house according to their elemental associations
observing astropoetic images related to the transiting Sun, after using the ephemeris to find it in your houses
Lesson 6
elemental alchemy
the relationship between elements and hemispheres
the reflexive nature of hemispheric alchemy
the challenge of the north: fire and earth
the challenge of the south: air and water
the challenge of the east: earth and air
the challenge of the west: water and fire
secondary elements
the construction of house cusps
the juxtaposition of signs and houses in astrological space
the juxtaposition of elements within the houses of a birthchart
the elemental alchemy of house cusps marked by a sign whose element matches the nature of the house
the elemental alchemy of house cusps marked by a sign whose gender matches the nature of the house
fire and air
earth and water
the elemental alchemy of house cusps marked by a sign of an element disparate to the nature of the house
the internal alchemy of the houses
the relationship between elements and quadrants
Astro-logic Homework
the elemental alchemy of emphasized hemispheres and quadrants in your chart
the internal elemental alchemy of your houses
Astropoetic Homework
images of secondary elements in houses of disparate internal alchemy
Module 2: The Signs
Lessons 7 - 12
Lesson 7
the relationship between signs and houses
assessment of elemental strength of personality
signs, the persona, and the archetypes of the collective unconscious
a division of signs by element
the indication of sign placement in a birthchart
characteristics of personality and persona by preponderance and lack
lack of fire
lack of earth
lack of air
lack of water
Astro-logic Homework
distribution of planets in your chart by elemental association to sign placement
your persona and the underlying psychological dynamic
Astropoetic Homework
metaphors for any elemental preponderances or lacks in your chart
an animal to represent your persona
a character in a movie that exemplifies your pattern of elemental distribution
Lesson 8
general rules of personality integration on the elemental level
elemental compatibility and excess
elemental disparity and compensation
specific challenges of the yang personality on the elemental level
patterns of compatibility
Sun and/or Moon in Fire and Fire Preponderance
Sun and/or Moon in Fire and Air Preponderance
Sun and/or Moon in Fire or Fire Preponderance with Earth Lack
Sun in Fire and Earth Lack
Moon in Fire and Earth Lack
Sun and/or Moon in Fire or Fire Preponderance with Water Lack
Sun in Fire and Water Lack
Moon in Fire and Water Lack
Sun as the Only Planet in Fire
Moon as the Only Planet in Fire
patterns of disparity
Sun in Fire and Moon in Earth
Sun in Fire and Earth Preponderance
Moon in Fire and Earth Preponderance
Sun in Fire and Moon in Water
Sun in Fire and Water Preponderance
Moon in Fire and Water Preponderance
patterns of compatibility
Sun and/or Moon in Air and Air Preponderance
Sun and/or Moon in Air and Fire Preponderance
Sun and/or Moon in Air or Air Preponderance with Earth Lack
Sun in Air and Earth Lack
Moon in Air and Earth Lack
Sun and/or Moon in Air or Air Preponderance with Water Lack
Sun in Air and Water Lack
Moon in Air and Water Lack
Sun as the Only Planet in Air
Moon as the Only Planet in Air
patterns of disparity
Sun in Air and Moon in Earth
Sun in Air and Earth Preponderance
Moon in Air and Earth Preponderance
Sun in Air and Moon in Water
Sun in Air and Water Preponderance
Moon in Air and Water Preponderance
Astro-logic Homework
patterns of compatibility and/or disparity related to the elements of fire and air in your chart
patterns of compatibility and/or disparity related to the elements of fire and air in the charts of people you know well
Astropoetic Homework
observation of life process for metaphors that embody any patterns related to fire and air in your chart
Lesson 9
specific challenges of the yin personality on the elemental level
patterns of compatibility
Sun and/or Moon in Earth and Earth Preponderance
Sun and/or Moon in Earth and Water Preponderance
Sun and/or Moon in Earth or Earth Preponderance with Fire Lack
Sun in Earth and Fire Lack
Moon in Earth and Fire Lack
Sun and/or Moon in Earth or Earth Preponderance with Air Lack
Sun in Earth and Air Lack
Moon in Earth and Air Lack
Sun as the Only Planet in Earth
Moon as the Only Planet in Earth
patterns of disparity
Sun in Earth and Moon in Fire
Sun in Earth and Fire Preponderance
Moon in Earth and Fire Preponderance
Sun in Earth and Moon in Air
Sun in Earth and Air Preponderance
Moon in Earth and Air Preponderance
patterns of compatibility
Sun and/or Moon in Water and Water Preponderance
Sun and/or Moon in Water and Earth Preponderance
Sun and/or Moon in Water or Water Preponderance with Fire Lack
Sun in Water and Fire Lack
Moon in Water and Fire Lack
Sun and/or Moon in Water or Water Preponderance with Air Lack
Sun in Water and Air Lack
Moon in Water/Air Lack
Sun as the Only Planet in Water
Moon as the Only Planet in Water
patterns of disparity
Sun in Water and Moon in Fire
Sun in Water and Fire Preponderance
Moon in Water and Fire Preponderance
Sun in Water and Moon in Air
Sun in Water and Air Preponderance
Moon in Water and Air Preponderance
Astro-logic Homework
patterns of compatibility and/or disparity related to the elements of earth and water in your chart
patterns of compatibility and/or disparity related to the elements of earth and water in the charts of others
Astropoetic Homework
observation of life process for metaphors that embody any patterns related to earth and water in your chart
Lesson 10
interactions between elemental dynamics by house and sign
a division of signs by modality
cardinal signs
fixed signs
mutable signs
the distribution of planets among the three modalities
cardinal preponderance and lack
fixed preponderance and lack
mutable preponderance and lack
the relationship between the modalities
the interplay of modalities in relation to the trifold division of the houses
intercepted and extended signs
an assessment of the signs on the angles of a birthchart
by modality
by gender
Astro-logic Homework
distribution of planets by modality of sign placement in your chart
the sign-pattern on the angles of your chart
intercepted and extended houses
Astropoetic Homework
imagining a place in nature that corresponds to your pattern of distribution by modality
becoming an animal associated with the modality of the sign on the cusp of a house related to a current life issue
Lesson 11
the cycle of the seasons
the interplay of light and dark within the cycle of the seasons
the signs of spring
the signs of summer
the signs of autumn
the signs of winter
seasonal preponderance and lack
seasonal preponderance and the four humors
seasonal preponderance and soul essence
spring predominance
summer predominance
autumn predominance
winter predominance
the internal alchemy of signs within a house
modal alchemy
seasonal alchemy
Astro-logic Homework
exploring predominant signs from a seasonal perspective
patterns of distribution by seasonal preponderance in your chart
exploring the internal alchemy of the sign transition in the house through which the Sun is currently transiting
Astropoetic Homework
images for the season
writing a poem for the season with which you most resonate
Lesson 12
the signs as archetypal stations in the collective evolution
the archetypal dimensions of Aries
the archetypal dimensions of Taurus
the archetypal dimensions of Gemini
the archetypal dimensions of Cancer
the archetypal dimensions of Leo
the archetypal dimensions of Virgo
the archetypal dimensions of Libra
the archetypal dimensions of Scorpio
the archetypal dimensions of Sagittarius
the archetypal dimensions of Capricorn
the archetypal dimensions of Aquarius
the archetypal dimensions of Pisces
zodiacal polarities
summarizing a strategy for approaching archetypal tasks associated with the signs
archetypal associations
Astro-logical Homework
identifying archetypal tasks related to the predominant signs in your chart
working out a strategy with considerations of gender, element, modality and season
exploring important zodiacal polarities in your chart
Astropoetic Homework
your favorite fairy tale and its relationship to the archetypal task of a sign
Module 3: The Soli-Lunar Relationship
Lessons 13 - 18
Lesson 13
a review of the territory covered so far in this course
the primary importance of planets in the overall scheme of things
categories of planetary function
the lights
the personal planets
the collective planets
the transpersonal planets
the Sun
assessing consciousness in relation to planetary function
1st chakra
2nd chakra
3rd chakra
4th chakra
5th chakra
6th chakra
7th chakra
the Sun in the chakras
solar mythology
other mythological associations with astropoetic intrigue
placing the Sun in the birthchart
the Sun in the hemispheres
the Sun in the quadrants
consideration of other contextual factors molding and defining the Sun
the art of astropoetic synthesis
attributes of the Sun
Astro-logical Homework
the placement of your Sun
Astropoetic homework
exploring your resonance with mythological themes related to the Sun
evoking additional solar images
Lesson 14
the Moon
the Moon in the chakras
lunar mythology
other mythological associations with astropoetic intrigue
placing the Moon in the birthchart
the Moon in the hemispheres
the Moon in the quadrants
the Moon in astrological space
the Moon and the houses by elements
the Moon by sign
the Moon by modality
Astro-logical Homework
the placement of your Moon
Astropoetic Homework
exploring your resonance with mythological themes related to the Moon
evoking additional lunar images
Lesson 15
the importance of planetary relationships
planetary relationships and sub-personalities
the importance of the soli-lunar relationship
the story of Sun and Moon
the complex art of astrological synthesis
principles of synthesis with regard to the placement of two planets
using points of comparison between Sun and Moon to better understand real life
calculating lunar phase
a distinction between waxing and waning Moons
the waxing hemi-cycle
New Moon
Crescent Moon
First Quarter Moon
Gibbous Moon
the waning hemi-cycle
Full Moon
Disseminating Moon
Third Quarter Moon
Balsamic Moon
integrating phase with your point comparison meditation
Astro-logic Homework
assessing the lunar phase of your Sun and Moon
exploring the relationship between phase and a point comparison between your Sun and Moon
integrating phase, point comparison, and an assessment of the Sun and Moon in each chakra
Astropoetic Homework
imagining your Sun and Moon as sub-personalities together in a story
becoming a character integrating these sub-personalities
Lesson 16
the importance of the cycle
the aspect cycle
determining the zodiacal positions for the aspects in any cycle
initial and return conjunctions: from potential to actuality
applying and separating aspects and their relationship to phase
waxing and waning semi-sextiles: the inertia of resistance
waxing and waning sextiles: the outworking of potentials
waxing and waning squares: points of crisis in the outworking of potential
waxing and waning trines: coasting and gathering momentum
waxing and waning quincunxes: the defiance of odds, unlikely breakthroughs and moments of maverick genius
the opposition: the point of reckoning, time out and grace
Astro-logic Homework
determining the Ptolemic aspect between your Sun and Moon, if any
Astropoetic Homework
assigning your solar and lunar sub-personalities a joint task
Lesson 17
the cyclical history
the equivalency of all cycles through their shared whole-making function
secondary progressions
the various ways of measuring and tracking progressed soli-lunar cycles
the progressed-Moon-to-natal-Moon cycle
my progressed-Moon-to-natal-Moon story
the progressed-Sun-to-natal-Sun cycle
my progressed-Sun-to-natal-Sun story
the progressed-Sun-to-natal-Moon cycle
my progressed-Sun-to-natal-Moon story
the progressed-Moon-to-natal-Sun cycle
my progressed-Moon-to-natal-Sun story
the progressed-Moon-to-progressed-Sun cycle
my progressed-Moon-to-progressed-Sun story
putting together a soli-lunar cyclical history
putting together a useful hybrid history
using astrological software to calculate the relevant dates for a soli-lunar cyclical history
using the ephemeris to calculate the dates for progressed-to-natal soli-lunar cycles
using the ephemeris to calculate the dates for progressed-Moon-to-progressed-Sun cycles
Astro-logic Homework
calculating important progressed soli-lunar dates
constructing a progressed soli-lunar cyclical history
ascribing meaning to your current phase of the progressed-Moon-to-progressed Sun cycle
Astropoetic Homework
finding images to reflect your solar and lunar agendas
Lesson 18
the Moon's nodes
the interweaving of solar and lunar agendas
mitigating factors
your evolutionary undertone
the nodal axis
nodal placement and quadrant emphasis
placing the nodes in the houses
placing the nodes in the signs
a consideration of the modes in relation to the soli-lunar relationship
the Saros cycle and shifting emphasis in evolutionary focus
putting it all together
evolutionary undertone
taking a temporal pulse
feeling your way into an understanding of your nodal axis
calculating your evolutionary undertone and temporal pulse
assessing the placement of your nodes by quadrant, houses and signs, and in relation to your Sun and Moon
Module 4: The Personal and Collective Planets
Lessons 19 - 24
Lesson 19
the nature of planetary energies, cyclical time and the primary importance of observation
a word about the personal planets
the mythology of Mercury
fertility god
shaman magician
assessing natal Mercury by house placement
Mercury in the hemispheres
Mercury in the quadrants
Mercury on the angles
Mercury's placement by trifold division
Mercury's placement in the houses by element
assessing natal Mercury by sign placement
Mercury in the signs by element
Mercury in the signs by modality
Mercury in the signs by season
Mercury in the chakras
Mercury's aspects to the Sun and Moon
Mercury's aspects to the Sun
Mercury's aspects to the Moon
Mercury's rulership of Gemini and Virgo
Mercury's mutabilty
Mercury as an air planet of spring
Mercury as an earth planet of summer
the planetary rulership of houses
retrograde motion
natal Mercury retrograde
observing retrograde motion within the context of a cyclical history
Mercury's cycle around the Sun
the promethean retrograde period
the promethean direct period
the epimethean direct period
the epimethean retrograde period
determining Mercury's natal phase
tracking progressed Mercury through its cycles
using the ephemeris to track progressed Mercury
making best use of the transiting Mercury cycle
Astropoetic Homework
finding astropoetic moments during Mercury's next transiting cycle
Astro-logic Homework
assessing Mercury by placement in your natal chart
describing the function of shadow logic in your life
assessing Mercury's presence in the chakras
assessing Mercury's rulership of your natal houses
noting important moments in Mercury's progressed cycle
Lesson 20
the mythology of Venus
fertility goddess
seductress/sacred prostitute
social trickster
assessing natal Venus by house placement
Venus in the hemispheres
Venus in the quadrants
Venus on the angles
Venus' placement by trifold division
Venus' placement in the houses by element
assessing natal Venus by sign placement
Venus in the signs by element
Venus in the signs by modality
Venus in the signs by season
Venus in the chakras
Venus' aspects to the Sun and Moon
Venus' aspects to the Sun
Venus's aspects to the Moon
Venus' rulership of Taurus and Libra
the mythological reflection of Venus' dual rulership
aphrodite urania - Venus as a cardinal air planet of autumn
aphrodite pandemos - Venus as a fixed earth planet of spring
Venus' rulership of houses
Venus retrograde
Venus' cycle around the Sun
the inferior conjunction and the underworld journey
Venus as morning star
the superior conjunction and aphrodite apostrophia
determining Venus' natal phase
tracking progressed Venus through its cycles
using the ephemeris to track progressed Venus
making best use of the transiting Venus cycle
Astro-logic Homework
assessing Venus by placement in your natal chart
assessing Venus' presence in the chakras
assessing Venus' rulership of your natal houses
noting important moments in Venus' progressed cycle
Astropoetic Homework
finding astropoetic moments in relation to Venus' current transiting cycle
Lesson 21
the mythology of Mars
creative manifestor
the hero's journey
hearing and heeding the call
encounter with the guide
the initiation
the retrieval of treasure
the return
assessing natal Mars by house placement
Mars in the hemispheres
Mars in the quadrants
Mars on the angles
Mars' placement by trifold division
Mars' placement in houses by element
assessing Mars by sign placement
Mars in the signs by element
Mars in the signs by modality
Mars in the signs by season
Mars in the chakras
Mars' aspects to the Sun and Moon
Mars aspects to the Sun
patterns of deficiency
patterns of excess
Mars' aspects to the Moon
Mars' rulership of Aries and Scorpio
Mars as a cardinal fire sign of spring
Mars as a fixed water sign of autumn
Mars' rulership of houses
Mars retrograde
natal Mars retrograde
progressed Mars' direct station
Astro-logic Homework
assessing Mars by placement in your natal chart
assessing Mars' presence in the chakras
assessing Mars' rulership of your natal houses
noting important moments in Mars' progressed cycle
Astropoetic Homework
finding astropoetic moments in relation to Mars' current transiting cycle
Lesson 22
the mythology of Ceres
working through strong emotional attachements
attuning to natural rhythms
wandering in disguise
reaching inward to meet impossible outer circumstances
transmuting deep emotion into power
exploring mysteries and transcendent states
assessing natal Ceres by house placement
Ceres in the hemispheres
Ceres in the quadrants
Ceres on the angles
Ceres' placement by trifold division
Ceres' placement in the houses by element
assessing natal Ceres by sign placement
Ceres in the signs by element
Ceres in the signs by modality
Ceres in the signs by season
Ceres in the chakras
Ceres' aspects to the Sun and Moon
Ceres' aspects to the Sun
Ceres' aspects to the Moon
Ceres' proposed rulership of Taurus, Cancer and/or Virgo
Ceres as a fixed earth planet of spring
Ceres as a cardinal water planet of summer
Ceres as a mutable earth planet of summer
Ceres' rulership of houses
Ceres retrograde
Astro-logic Homework
assessing Ceres by placement in your natal chart
assessing Ceres' presence in the chakras
assessing Ceres' rulership of your natal houses
noting important moments in Ceres' progressed cycle
Astropoetic Homework
questions to ponder in relation to Ceres' domain
Lesson 23
the difference between personal planets and collective planets
the mythology of Jupiter
guide to a soulful life
dancing on the edge of balance
catalyst to growth
seeker of truth
assessing Jupiter by house placement
Jupiter by hemisphere
Jupiter in the quadrants
Jupiter on the angles
Jupiter's placement by trifold division
Jupiter's placement in houses by element
assessing natal Jupiter by sign placement
Jupiter in the signs by element
Jupiter in the signs by modality
Jupiter in the signs by season
Jupiter in the chakras
Jupiter's aspects to the Sun and Moon
Jupiter's aspects to the Sun
Jupiter's aspects to the Moon
Jupiter's rulership of Sagittarius and Pisces
Jupiter's mutability
Jupiter as a fire planet of autumn
Jupiter as a water planet of winter
Jupiter's rulership of houses
Jupiter retrograde
Astro-logic Homework
assessing Jupiter by placement in your natal chart
assessing Jupiter's presence in the chakras
assessing Jupiter's rulership of your natal houses
noting important moments in Jupiter's progressed cycle
noting important moments in Jupiter's transit cycle to its natal position
Astropoetic Homework
embodying Jupiter
drawing a picture of this embodiment
Lesson 24
the mythology of Saturn
lord of time and space
voice of reckoning and consequence
craftsman of fate
taskmaster on the evolutionary path
guide to self-mastery
guardian of wisdom
assessing Saturn by house placement
Saturn by hemisphere
Saturn in the quadrants
Saturn on the angles
Saturn's placement by trifold division
Saturn's placement in houses by element
assessing natal Saturn by sign placement
Saturn in the signs by element
Saturn in the signs by modality
Saturn in the signs by season
Saturn in the chakras
Saturn's aspects to the Sun and Moon
Saturn's aspects to the Sun
Saturn's aspects to the Moon
Saturn's rulership of Capricorn and Aquarius
Saturn as a winter planet
Saturn as a cardinal earth planet
Saturn as a fixed air planet
Saturn's rulership of houses
Saturn retrograde
Astro-logic Homework
assessing Saturn by placement in your natal chart
assessing Saturn's presence in the chakras
assessing Saturn's rulership of your natal houses
noting important moments in Saturn's progressed cycle
noting important moments in Saturn's transit cycle to its natal position
Astropoetic Homework
embodying Saturn
drawing a picture of this embodiment
Module 5: Transpersonal Planets, Asteroids,
Centaurs & Newly Discovered Kuiper Belt Objects
Lessons 25 - 30
Lesson 25
the transpersonal planets
the discovery of Uranus
the mythology of Uranus
disruption, breakdown and chaos
rebellion against authority, restriction and limitation
illumination, inspiration and insight
creative genius
breakthrough, accelerated evolution and quantum leaps
assessing Uranus by house placement
Uranus by hemisphere
Uranus in the quadrants
Uranus on the angles
Uranus' placement by trifold division
Uranus' placement in houses by element
assessing natal Uranus by sign placement
Uranus in the signs by element
Uranus in the signs by modality
Uranus in the signs by season
Uranus as a generational signature
Uranus in the chakras
Uranus' aspects to the Sun and Moon
Uranus' aspects to the Sun
Uranus' aspects to the Moon
Uranus' rulership of Aquarius
Uranus as a fixed air planet of winter
Uranus retrograde
Astro-logic Homework
assessing Uranus by placement in your natal chart
assessing Uranus presence in the chakras
assessing Uranus rulership of your natal houses
noting important moments in Uranus' transit cycle to its natal position
Astropoetic Homework
identifying sensory, emotional and psychological correlates to Uranus during a past Uranus transit to Sun or Moon
finding personal images to encapsulate Uranus' function in your life
Lesson 26
the discovery of Neptune
the mythology of Neptune
erosion, decay and entropy
disillusion of boundaries/deconstruction of realities
ego death, loss of identity, psychological breakdown
fantasies, illusions and altered states of consciousness
tribal consciousness, participation mystique and inter-connectedness
spiritual awakening
assessing Neptune by house placement
Neptune by hemisphere
Neptune in the quadrants
Neptune on the angles
Neptune placement by trifold division
Neptune placement in houses by element
assessing natal Neptune by sign placement
Neptune in the signs by element
Neptune in the signs by modality
Neptune in the signs by season
Neptune as a generational signature
Neptune in the chakras
Neptune's aspects to the Sun and Moon
Neptune's aspects to the Sun
Neptune's aspects to the Moon
Neptune's rulership of Pisces
Neptune as a mutable water planet of winter
Neptune retrograde
Astro-logic Homework
assessing Neptune by placement in your natal chart
assessing Neptune presence in the chakras
assessing Neptune's rulership of your natal houses
noting important moments in Neptune's transit cycle to its natal position
Astropoetic Homework
identifying sensory, emotional and psychological correlates to Neptune during a past Neptune transit to Sun or Moon
finding personal images to encapsulate Neptune's function in your life
Lesson 27
the discovery of Pluto
the mythology of Pluto
destruction, death and the point of no return
darkness, shadow and the existence of evil
confrontation with the impossible challenge
the quest for power
purification, testing, and deepening
regeneration, revitalization and rebirth
assessing Pluto by house placement
Pluto by hemisphere
Pluto in the quadrants
Pluto on the angles
Pluto's placement by trifold division
Pluto's placement in houses by element
assessing natal Pluto by sign placement
Pluto in the signs by element
Pluto in the signs by modality
Pluto in the signs by season
Pluto as a generational signature
Pluto in the chakras
Pluto's aspects to the Sun and Moon
Pluto's aspects to the Sun
Pluto's aspects to the Moon
Pluto's rulership of Scorpio
Pluto as a fixed water planet of autumn
Pluto retrograde
Astro-logic Homework
assessing Pluto by placement in your natal chart
assessing Pluto presence in the chakras
assessing Pluto's rulership of your natal houses
noting important moments in Pluto's transit cycle to its natal position
Astropoetic Homework
identifying sensory, emotional and psychological correlates to Pluto during a past Pluto transit to Sun or Moon
finding personal images to encapsulate Pluto's function in your life
Lesson 28
the asteroids
the mythology of Vesta
tending the fire
sacred sexuality
guarding and guiding the creative vision
assessing Vesta by house placement
assessing Vesta by sign placement
Vesta and the 2nd chakra
important Vesta aspects
the mythology of Pallas
holistic healing
weaving the web of wisdom
leveling the playing field for underdog heroes and warriors
assessing Pallas by house placement
assessing Pallas by sign placement
Pallas and the 3rd chakra
important Pallas aspects
the mythology of Juno
marriage as sacred union
loyalty to family and tribe
guide to hieros gamos
assessing Juno by house placement
assessing Juno by sign placement
Juno and the 4th chakra
important Juno aspects
other asteroids
Astro-logic Homework
assessing the placement of the asteroids in your chart
Astropoetic Homework
looking for images of each asteroid during their most recent return to their natal position
Lesson 29
the centaurs
the mythology of Chiron
wounded healing
transcendence of ancestral wounds
the art of teaching and mentoring
assessing Chiron by house placement
assessing Chiron by sign placement
Chiron and the 5th chakra
important Chiron aspects
other centaurs of emerging importance (refer to https://www.lunarplanner.com/asteroids-centaurs/)
the rapidly changing nature of the solar system and its implications for astrology
avoiding overwhelm in consideration of the planetary picture
Astro-logic Homework
assessing the placement of the centaurs in your chart
deciding what is important and what isn't
Astropoetic Homework
looking for images of each important centaur during their most recent return to their natal position
Lesson 30
the Kuiper Belt Objects
making astro-logical sense of newly discovered planets
astronomical metaphors
mythological associations
historical synchronicities
empirical observations
keeping an open mind
Astro-logical Homework
locating Kuiper Belt Objects in your chart
developing your own frame of reference
Astropoetic Homework
looking for personal images relevant to Kuiper Belt Objects
Module 6: Planetary Dynamics
Lessons 31 - 36
Lesson 31
the nature of planetary dynamics
semi-sextiles & quincunxes
semi-squares & sesquiquadrates
quintiles & biquintiles
septiles, biseptiles & triseptiles
noniles, binoniles & quadranoniles
the question of orbs
waxing and waning aspects
applying and separating aspects
other points of connection between planets
midpoints & midpoint trees
parallels and contraparallels
mutual receptions
Astro-logic Homework
identifying aspects between major planets
identifying other points of connection between major planets
Astropoetic Homework
identifying aspects at work within a favorite movie
Lesson 31
aspects between the Sun and Moon
aspects between the luminaries and the personal planets
aspects between the luminaries and the collective planets
aspects between the luminaries and the transpersonal planets
aspects between the personal planets
Astro-logic Homework
constructing a cyclical history of your most important personal-personal planet aspect
Astropoetic homework
images for your most important personal-personal planet dynamics
Lesson 32
aspects between the personal planets and the collective planets
aspects between the collective planets: Jupiter-Saturn
transits from the collective planets to your natal planets
to your Sun and Moon
to your personal planets
to your collective planets
Jupiter returns
Saturn returns
Astro-logic Homework
constructing a cyclical history of your most important personal-collective planet aspect
remembering your last Jupiter and Saturn returns
Astropoetic homework
images for your most important personal-collective planet dynamics
Lesson 33
aspects between the personal planets and the transpersonal planets
transits from the transpersonal planets to your natal personal planets
to your Sun and Moon
to your personal planets
Astro-logic Homework
constructing a cyclical history of your most important personal-transpersonal planet aspect
remembering the last transit of a transpersonal planet to your Sun or Moon
Astropoetic homework
images for your most important personal-transpersonal planet dynamics
Lesson 34
aspects between the collective planets and the transpersonal planets
aspects between the transpersonal planets
the inherent difficulty of taking cyclical histories for transpersonal planet cycles
transpersonal rites of passage
the transiting Uranus cycle
the transiting Neptune cycle
the transiting Pluto cycle
Astro-logic Homework
constructing a cyclical history of your transpersonal rites of passage to date
Astropoetic homework
images for your transpersonal rites of passage
Lesson 35
important planetary patterns
grand trine
grand cross
kite, half-kite & wedge
mystic rectangle
finger of god
chakra and number realm patterns
looking at the shape of the birthchart as a whole
hemispheric patterns
funnel patterns
wedge patterns
open-angle patterns
see-saw patterns
assymetric patterns
Astro-logic Homework
identifying important planetary patterns in your chart
identifying the shape of your birthchart as a whole
Astropoetic homework
extracting astropoetic images from a cyclical history of a planetary pattern
Lesson 36
putting it all together
review: the importance of whole chart analysis
patterns of distribution by house and sign
observing the soli-lunar relationship
identifying important planetary patterns and the shape of the birthchart as a whole
interpretation versus exploration and open-ended inquiry
bringing a specific question to the birthchart
looking to current transits and progressions to help identify important questions
identifying additional relevant astrological correlates to the question
tracking the relevant cyclical histories
looking for relevant astropoetic images
timing the actions of conscious response with clear intent
Astro-logic Homework
identifying an important question
Astropoetic homework
exploring an important question from an astropoetic perspective
Where to Go From Here
To sign up for the Basic Course, go here.