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Milky Way

Outer Planets and the Fourth Chakra

November 2016

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Once we have established one of the six possible inner planet bases for a 4th chakra pattern – formed by aspects between Sun and Moon, Sun and Venus, Sun and Mars, Moon and Venus, Moon and Mars, or Venus and Mars – the pattern is completed by mutual aspects between these two planets and an outer planet with natural affinity for the 4th chakra.

The two outer planets with most natural affinity for the 4th chakra are Jupiter and Neptune. When I speak of natural affinity, what I mean is that these planets are natural catalysts to an opening of the heart. Again, as with the other chakras, this does not mean that other planets cannot also participate in a 4th chakra pattern, but when they do, opening the heart is not necessarily a natural and easy process. It becomes more complicated.

Where Saturn is involved in a 4th chakra pattern, there is often fear and vulnerability to work through – often revolving around some sense of abandonment, rejection or betrayal. The heart was open once, you got badly hurt, and you’ll never do that again. You’ve got to keep your guard up now, so you don’t get hurt again.

When Uranus is involved in a 4th chakra pattern, there can be great energy and excitement, but not necessarily the capacity to sustain a deepening of intimacy. Uranus is a planet naturally focused on individuation, self-actualization, and the cultivation of one’s separate sense of identity; relationship – which is the domain of the 4th chakra – is in many ways, foreign territory for Uranus. The question here becomes how to balance a sense of autonomy with a desire for intimacy. It can be an awkward dance.

When Pluto is involved in a 4th chakra pattern, there is a similar dynamic, except that here, there is often the added complication of power struggles. In order to work well, an intimate relationship must be a horizontal exchange on a relatively level playing field. Pluto tends to view relationships as vertical exchanges within a hierarchy based on power. This is where to quote the popular song, “love is a battlefield.”

Of course, there are lots of nuances to this quick and easy summary, and not every pattern will fall neatly into these kinds of issues. But the underlying point here is that these three planets – Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto – are less comfortable in the 4th chakra than Jupiter and Neptune.

The next post in this series is Jupiter in the Fourth Chakra.

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