House Placement by Chakra
May 2015
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In the 1st chakra, where the focus is on safety and protection, do you suppose that the soul would feel more at home in the north or south of the chart? Given that the purpose of the soul in the 1st chakra is to create a platform upon which he or she can build a viable life, where do you suppose the soul would prefer to be when dealing with 1st chakra issues, east or west? Given these preferences, we might assume that 1st chakra patterns – involving Moon, Saturn and Pluto – become more potent when they are focused in the NE quadrant.
In addition, we would note that the 4th house, which is associated with home, in every sense of that word, would be a natural venue – would it not – for a soul seeking safety and protection. Again given that the soul in the 1st chakra, desires to live a full and satisfactory life within the world, we might extend the area preferred by the 1st chakra soul to the area in the 3rd house, just across the Nadir and still conjunct to it, by whatever orb you normally allow for a conjunction to the angles.
This particular area of the chart, around the Nadir, is where the soul makes its decision to incarnate. This is essentially a 1st chakra decision, requiring a strong, healthy and secure 1st chakra to execute. Thus when one or more 1st chakra planets are concentrated in this area of the chart, it is an indication that a 1st chakra pattern is potentially brewing.
To this, we would add two additional areas. The area just below the horizon in the 6th house, when the Sun has just set, is also an area of relative safety, as this is where the soul is able to sink into invisibility, which affords a kind of protection not available in the area above the horizon.
Lastly, the area just above the horizon in the 12th house serves a similar purpose, albeit in a radically different way. This is where the soul first encounters the world surrounding its birth and picks up the subtle cues from parents, family, teachers at school, and others in a position of influence about what it takes to survive in the world. Putting these cues together, the soul develops what Jung called the persona, or mask, which again affords a kind of protection, through a different kind of invisibility. Astrologers conventionally associate the Ascendant with the persona, but I would refine this designation by assigning it to the area of the chart just above the Ascendant in the 12th house, which along with the persona is 1st chakra territory. 1st house planets are generally more straightforward features of personality.
Thus when Moon, Saturn and Pluto are placed in one or more of these sections of the chart in mutual aspect to each other, you have a rather potent 1st chakra signature.
The next post in this series is What to Do with the System.
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