My Work History
2011 - 2020
November 2020: Breaking Down the Borders Conference Lecture - Healing the Shadow
January 2019: IAA lecture - Astrology and the Archetypal Power of Numbers
June 2019: IAA lecture - Tracking the Soul with an Astrology of Consciousness
July 2018: 5-day non-astrological workshop (Almonte, Ontario, Canada): Tracking the Soul
August 2017: 5-day non-astrological workshop (Almonte, Ontario, Canada): Tracking the Soul
March – December 2017: Tracking the Soul online astrological webinar class
August 2016: 5-day non-astrological workshop (Almonte, Ontario, Canada): Tracking the Soul
December 2015 – October 2016: Tracking the Soul online astrological webinar class
May 2015: 4-day non-astrological workshop (Willow Springs, MO): Returning the Inner Masculine & Feminine to Sacred Balance
November 2013: 4-day non-astrological workshop (Willow Springs, MO): Tracking the Soul
September 2013: 4-day non-astrological workshop (Parthenon, AR): Returning the Inner Masculine & Feminine to Sacred Balance
November 2012: 7-day astrology workshop (Willow Springs, MO): Tracking the Soul
2001 - 2010
August 2009: astrology lecture at ISAR conference (Chicago, IL): Why Astrology is Not a Science
May 2009: astrology lectures at the Midwest Astrology Conference (Cleveland, OH): Tracking the Soul with an Astrology of Consciousness & Healing the Astrological Shadow
March, 2008: astrology lecture (Springfield, MO): Tracking Health Care Issues with Astrology
August, 2005: astrology lecture at ISAR conference (Chicago, IL): The Art of Subjective Research
August, 2005: astrology panel discussion at ISAR conference (Chicago, IL): What is Astrology?
October, 2002: 4-day astrology workshop (Birch Tree, MO): The Sensory Dimensions of Astrology
October, 2001: 4-day astrology workshop (Birch Tree, MO): Embracing the Holy Other: The Astrology of Relationship
1991 - 2000
October, 2000: 4-day astrology workshop (Birch Tree, MO): Reclaiming the Radiant Child
October, 1999: 4-day astrology workshop (Birch Tree, MO): Healing the Shadow
May, 1999: 3-hour dance workshop (Stanley, NM): Dancing the Inner Male
September, 1998: 4-day astrology workshop (Birch Tree, MO): The Soul's Journey
June, 1998: 3-hour astrological dance workshop (Cloudcliff, NM): Dance of the Four Elements
May, 1998: 3-hour non-astrological workshop (Stanely, NM): Sharing Our Wisdom Stories
May, 1997: 3-hour astrological dance workshop (Soccorro, NM): Dance of the Four Elements
May, 1996: 3-hour non-astrological workshop (Stanley, NM): Exploring Our Core Issues With Life Maps
July, 1995: 4-day astrology workshop (Birch Tree, MO): The Soul's Journey
May, 1995: 3-hour dance workshop (Soccoro, NM): Accessing Berserker Energy
November, 1994: 1-hour television interview, MVTV (West Plains, MO): What is Astrology?
July, 1994: 2-hour astrology lecture (Springfield, MO): An Introduction to Medical Astrology
May, 1994: 3-hour astrological dance workshop (Soccoro, NM): Planetary Dancing
April, 1994: 1-hour astrology lecture: Center for Higher Learning, (Abilene, TX): Introduction to Intuitive Astrology
February – March, 1994: 4-week introductory astrology class, Golden Light Centre, (West Plains, MO)
May, 1993: 3-hour astrological dance workshop (Soccoro, NM): Dance of the Four Elements
May 1993 – February 2014: Throughout this period, I have taught a correspondence course, working closely with students wishing to use astrology primarily as a language of self-discovery and introspection.
March, 1992: 3-hour astrological dance workshop (Soccoro, NM): Manifesting a Technicolor Vision in a Black and White World
March, 1991: 3-hour non-astrological workshop (Soccoro, NM): Muscle Testing Questions Related to the Four Directions of the Medicine Wheel
1981 - 1990
September, 1990: 3-hour dance workshop (Soccoro, NM): Dancing Our Power Animals at the Dawn of Creation
September, 1989: 3-hour astrological dance workshop (Soccoro, NM): Planetary Dancing
June, 1989: 3-hour dance dance workshop (Soccoro, NM): Finding Our Power Through Dance
March, 1989: 3-hour astrological dance workshop (Soccoro, NM): Dance of the Four Elements
January – February, 1988: 6-week introductory astrology class (Santa Fe, NM)
1971 - 1980
1973 – present: During this period, I have worked as a part-time professional astrologer, doing consultations for clients from around the world.
1973 – 1979: numerous classes in kundalini yoga and meditation, in southern California and the Florida Gulf Coast, including college level classes at Claremont College, Claremont, CA