Soul of Numbers Webinar Class

In my 2-volume series, Astrology and the Archetypal Power of Numbers, Part One and Two, I explore Pythagoras' teachings about numbers, and show how they are relevant to an exploration of the birthchart as an exercise in spiritual psychology. The Pythagoreans believed that numbers describe how the divine intelligence of the One permeates the universe, including each of us. These books and this course teach how this intelligence is reflected in the birthchart, and can be consciously tapped to make a larger contribution to the world and to the evolution of the human species. In addition to Pythagorean teachings, these teachings include an exploration of how a more advanced integration of the chakras is implicated in relation to each number.
For those astrologers who wish to become more proficient at working with this advanced material, I have designed a webinar class, consisting of 20 2-hour sessions, shared over the course of a one-year period.
The webinar class is not for beginners, but for those who already have a solid working knowledge of astrology, and who have previously taken my Tracking the Soul Webinar class. As with Tracking the Soul, the Soul of Numbers Webinar course is not meant to be a pathway to professional competency, but rather a venue in which working astrologers can apply the system to their own charts as a template for more advanced spiritual work.
The webinar class consists of 40 2-hour sessions, shared over the course of an 18-month period. The 1st hour of each 2-hour session will be devoted to the presentation of principles; the 2nd hour will be an application of those principles to the charts of one or more participants.
In This Course You Will Learn
Over the course of 40 sessions, we will cover the following material:
The principles of Arithmology (Pythagorean number theory)
The spiritual essence of each number from 0 - 9
The use of the arithmological techniques for exploring numbers beyond 9
The innate presence of number in the structure of the birthchart
The arithmological association of numbers with deities and their astrological correlates
The use of orbital dynamics and rulership patterns in identifying number patterns
Harmonics and the identification of hidden patterns
Number patterns and the integration of chakras
Identifying number patterns in a birthchart
Creating a number pattern profile
Working with the whole system to identify a deeper sense of calling
Wrapping up loose ends & possibilities of further studies

Homework, Class Discussion & Email Support
After each class, I will email the group an optional homework assignment that will be discussed in the following class, as well as a link to an MP3 file of the class, so that any student who wishes, can listen again to the material presented.
As part of our class discussions, students will feedback and insights from classmates when their chart becomes the focus of our exploration.
In addition, I will be available between classes for any student who wants help with the homework assignment, or has questions about the material presented in class.
In this way, each student will learn not just from their participation in class, from a review of the class and the homework assignments, but also from one-on-one attention via email from me, and from student input.

Required Reading
All students are expected to read Astrology and the Archetypal Power of Numbers, Part One and Part Two – which outlines the basic principles covered in the course, and includes numerous case studies.
Students who sign up and pay in full for the webinar class will receive free copies of both books.
All students will receive an additional 20% discount on other books published by Ancient Tower Press.

Where to Go From Here
To read more about the astropoetic approach to astrology, go here.
To read about the vision behind the School, go here.
To read about the history of the School, go here.
To read about my approach to teaching at The School, go here.
To sign up for the Soul of Numbers Webinar Class, go here.
To read about the Soul of Numbers workshop for non-astrologers, go here.